Files and Libraries

GWT JSON Overlay

Created 23. Januar 2017

The Google Web Toolkit JSON Overlay library provides the JSON Overlays that can be used to access the Web service API for this application.

JSON Overlay Example
String url = ...;
RequestBuilder request = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, url);
request.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
  public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
    if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) {
      //handle the successful data...
      Account data = Account.fromJson(response.getText());
      //handle the Account...
    else {
      //handle the error...

  public void onError(Request request, Throwable throwable) {
    //handle the error...

name size description
gamificationengine-gwt-json-overlay.jar 31,28K The sources for the GWT JSON overlay.

Java JSON Client Library

Created 23. Januar 2017

The Java client-side library is used to provide the set of Java objects that can be serialized to/from JSON using Jackson. This is useful for accessing the JSON REST endpoints that are published by this application.

Resources Example (Raw JAXB) url = new + "/account");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); connection = url.openConnection();

Account result = (Account) mapper.readValue( connection.getInputStream(), Account.class );
//handle the result as needed...
Resources Example (Jersey client) client =;

Account result = + "/account")

//handle the result as needed...

name size description
gamificationengine-json-client.jar 34,81K The binaries for the Java JSON client library.
gamificationengine-json-client-json-sources.jar 32,45K The sources for the Java JSON client library.

PHP JSON Client Library

Created 23. Januar 2017

The PHP JSON client-side library defines the PHP classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the resources that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

This library requires the json_encode function which was included in PHP versions 5.2.0+.

PHP JSON Example
//read the resource in JSON:
$json = ...;

//read the json as an array.
$parsed = json_decode($json, true);

//read the json array as the object
$result = new Object($parsed);

//open a writer for the json
$json = $result->toJson();

name size description 11,29K  

Ruby JSON Client Library

Created 23. Januar 2017

The Ruby JSON client-side library defines the Ruby classes that can be (de)serialized to/from JSON. This is useful for accessing the REST endpoints that are published by this application, but only those that produce a JSON representation of their resources (content type "application/json").

This library leverages the Ruby JSON Implementation, which is required in order to use this library.

Ruby JSON Example
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'

//read a resource from a REST url
url = URI.parse("...")
request =

http =, url.port)
//set up additional http stuff...
res = http.start do |ht|

result = Object.from_json(JSON.parse(res.body))

//handle the result as needed...

name size description
gamificationengine.rb 58,38K